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James Wasmuth


Department of Comparative Biology and Experimental Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Calgary


Calgary, Alberta

Mots clés

Nematodes, Toxoplasma, genomics, bioinformatics

Recherche d'intérêts

My work focuses on using genome sequences to better understand the evolution of parasitism. My current foci are: 1) the evolution of large gene families, in particular surface antigens, and 2) using population genomics to understand species diversity. My background includes working with both helminths and apicomplexans (e.g. Toxoplasma & Plasmodium).

Publications pertinentes


Publications pertinentes

Elsworth B, Wasmuth J & Blaxter M. 2011. NEMBASE4: the nematode transcriptome resource. Int J Parasitol in press.

Hung S, Wasmuth J, Sanford C & Parkinson J. 2010. DETECT - A Density Estimation Tool for Enzyme ClassificaTion and its application to Plasmodium falciparum. Bioinformatics, 26:1690-1698.

Wasmuth J, Daub J, Peregrín-Alvarez J-M, Finney C & Parkinson J. 2009. The origins of apicomplexan sequence innovation. Genome Research, 19(7):1202-13.

Wasmuth J, Schmid R, Hedley A & Blaxter M. 2008. On the extent and origins of genic novelty in the Phylum Nematoda. PLoS Neglected Tropical Disease, 2(7): e258


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