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American Society of Parasitologists

Formed in 1924, the society is home to a diverse group of scientists from government, industry and academia. The website is home to the Journal of Parasitology.

British Society of Parasitology

The British Society for Parasitology was formed in 1962 and welcomes anyone with an interest in parasitology worldwide to join. The website is a central networking and meeting point for many professional and amateur parasitologists and is an excellent resource for study, work and conference opportunities in Europe.

Canadian Society of Zoologists

The Parasitism, Immunity and Environment Section of the Canadian Society of Zoologists (CSZ) was established in 2011 to provide a venue for interchange among individuals interested in the interrelationships at all levels among infectious agents, the response to animals to these agents and the environment in which these relationships exist.

Centre for Disease Control and Prevention - Lab Diagnostics

Resource for the laboratory identification of parasites of public health concern.

Centre for Disease Control and Prevention - Parasite information

Detailed fact sheets on parasites of relevance in North America and for international travellers.

European Food Safety Authority

Features a variety of reports on zoonoses epidemiology, risk assessments, as well as food processing and inspection practices.

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