Brenda Ralston
Research Scientist, Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development
Airdrie, Alberta
Mots clés
Giardia, Cryptosporidium, Cattle, Food-borne pathogens
Recherche d'intérêts
LAMP – I am collaborating in a project developing primers for the detection of Salmonella and E. coli in food.
Pathogen Control on Meat – I have collaborated in the planning, funding and execution of several studies dealing with the decontamination of food processing facilities through the use of novel disinfectants.
Ruminant Nutrition – I have collaborated in several studies that involve the use of the GrowSafe system, which allows for the collection of individual animal intakes, duration and feeding times under natural range or pen conditions. These studies have measured intakes of creepfeed, mineral, protein supplements and drugs.
Prevalence and Pathogenesis of Giardia and Cryptosporidium in Beef Cattle – Prevalence and infection patterns of these parasites in feedlot and range cattle, as well as their effects on performance in feedlot steers.
Effects of H2S on Short Term Memory and Learning in Cattle – I assisted in two studies that evaluated the effects of chronic low level exposure to H2S on short-term memory and learning in cattle.
Pharmaceutical Products for Cattle – I collaborate with pharmaceutical companies and scientists that have developed new products such as vaccines for cattle to assist in their field trial testing and commercialization.
Publications pertinentes
Cryptosporidiosis |
Food |
Giardiasis |
Inactivation/Disinfection |
Livestock |
Treatment |
Veterinary |