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Armando Jardim


Associate Professor, Director, Centre for Host-Parasite Interactions, Institute of Parasitology, McGill University


Montreal, Quebec

Mots clés

Diagnostics, enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC), Leishmania, Chagas disease

Recherche d'intérêts

The research program in my laboratory focuses primarily on understanding membrane-protein interactions and the importance of these molecular events in organelle biogenesis in Leishmania and in virulence in enteropathogenic/enterohemorrhagic E. coli. Specific projects include; a) characterization of the sorting and import systems that are essential for the assembly of the glycosomal organelle in kinetoplastid parasites, b) development of antigen based assays for the diagnosis of leishmaniasis and Chagas’ disease, c) structure-function analysis of the E. coli type III secretion system and exploitation of this system as a potential drug target.

Publications pertinentes

Host-Parasite Interactions

Publications pertinentes

Dasanayake, D., Richaud, M., Cyr, N., Caballero-Franco, C., Pittroff, S., Finn, R.M., Ausió, J., Luo, W., Donnenberg, M.S. and Jardim, A. (2011). The N-Terminal Amphipathic Region Of The Escherichia coli Type III Secretion System Protein EspD Is Required For Membrane Insertion And Function. Mol. Micro (in press).

Hassani, K., Antoniak, E., Jardim, A., and Olivier, M. (2011) Temperature-Induced Protein Secretion by Leishmania mexicana Modulates Macrophage Signalling and Function. PLOS ONE.6, e18724.

Feng, X., Feistel, T., Buffalo, C., McCormack, A., Kruvand, E., Rodriguez-Contreras, D., Akopyants, N.S., Umasankar, P.K., David, L., Jardim, A., Beverley, S.M., Landfear, S.M. (2010) Remodeling of protein and mRNA expression in Leishmania mexicana induced by deletion of glucose transporter genes Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 175, 39-48.

Chavda, S., Babu, B., Yanow, S. K., Jardim, A., Spithill, T. W., Kiakos, K., Kluza, J., Hartley, J. A., Lee, M.,(2010) A Novel Achiral seco-cyclopropylpyridoindolone (CPyI) Analog of CC-1065 and the Duocarmycins: Synthesis, DNA Interactions, In Vivo Anticancer and Anti-parasitic Evaluation. Bioorg. & Med. Chem 18, 5016-24.

Sethadavit, M., Meemon, K., Jardim, A., Spithill, T. and Sobhon, P. (2009) Identification, expression and immunolocalization of Cathepsin B3, a stage specific antigen expressed by juvenile Fasciola gigantic. Acta Tropica 112, 164-173.

El Fadili, K., Drummelsmith, J., Roy, G., Jardim, A. and Ouellette, M. (2009) Down regulation of KMP-11 in Leishmania infantum axenic antimony resistant amastigotes as revealed by a proteomic screen. Exptl Parasitol. 123, 51-57.

Cyr, N., Madrid, K.P., Strasser, R., Aurousseau, M., Finn, R., Ausio, J., and Jardim, A. (2008) The Leishmania donovani Peroxin 14 undergoes a marked conformational change following association with Peroxin 5. J. Biol. Chem. 283, 31488-31499.

Pilar, A.V., Madrid, K.P., and Jardim, A. (2008) Interaction of Leishmania PTS2 receptor peroxin 7 with the glycosomal protein import machinery. Mol Biochem Parasitol. 158, 72-81.


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