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Richard Cawthorn


Professor of Parasitology (Retired), Department of Pathology and Microbiology

Research Scientist, AVC Lobster Science Centre


Charlottetown, PEI


zoonoses, crustacean health, companion animals, livestock, veterinary parasitology

Research interests

Zoonotic parasites, general veterinary parasitology (especially interaction of host, parasite and environment), aquatic parasitology, wildlife parasitology

Expertise in

Companion Animals
Host-Parasite Interactions
Marine Mammals

Relevant publications

Smolowitz, R., R.A. Quinn, R.J. Cawthorn, R.L. Summerfield and A.Y. Chistoserdov. 2013. Pathology of two forms of shell disease of the American Lobster (Homarus americanus, Milne Edwards) from Atlantic Canada. Journal of Fish Diseases. Doi. 10: 1111/jfd.12136.

Quinn, R.A., R.J. Cawthorn, R.L. Summerfield, R. Smolowitz, A.Y. Chistoserdov. 2013. Bacterial communities associated with lesions of two forms of shell disease in the American Lobster (Homarus americanus, Milne Edwards) from Atlantic Canada. Canadian Journal of. Microbiology.

Tanifuji, G., E. Kim, N.T. Onodera, R. Gibeault, M. Dlutek, R.J. Cawthorn, I. Fiala, J. Lukes, S.J. Greenwood, and J. M. Archibald. 2011. Genomic characterization of Neoparamoeba pemaquidensis and its kinetoplastid endosymbiont. Eukaryotic Cell 10: 1143-1146.

Acorn, A.R., K.F. Clark, S. Jones, B.M. Despres, S. Munro, R.J. Cawthorn, and S.J. Greenwood. 2011. Analysis of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) and gene expression changes under different growth conditions for the ciliate Anophyroides haemophila, the causative agent of bumper car disease in the American lobster (Homarus americanus). Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 107:146-154.

Mullowney, D.R., E.G. Dawe, J.F. Morado and R.J. Cawthorn. 2011. Sources of variability in prevalence and distribution of bitter crab disease in snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) along the northeast coast of Newfoundland. ICES Journal of Marine Science 68:463-471.

Cawthorn, R.J. 2011. Diseases of American lobsters (Homarus americanus); a review. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 106:71-78.


Atlantic Veterinary College, University of Prince Edward Island

c/o 8 Dover Meadow Close SE,

Calgary, Alberta T2B 2E2

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