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Manisha Kulkarni


Associate Professor, School of Epidemiology & Public Health, University of Ottawa


Ottawa, Ontario


vector-borne, global health, emerging pathogens, climate change

Research interests

My research focuses on the ecology, epidemiology and control of vector-borne diseases with an emphasis on (1) malaria and neglected tropical diseases in sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America, and (2) global change and emerging infectious diseases, including emerging tick-borne diseases in Canada.

Expertise in

Public Health

Relevant publications

Duguay, C., Mosha, J.F., Lukole, E., Mangalu, D., Thickstun, C., Mallya, E., Aziz, T., Feng, C.X., Protopopoff, N., Mosha, F.W., Manjurano, A., Krentel, A., Kulkarni, M.A. (2023) Assessing risk factors for malaria and schistosomiasis among children in Misungwi, Tanzania, an area of co-endemicity: a mixed methods study. PLOS Global Public Health (In Press).

Talbot, B., Kulkarni, M.A., Rioux-Rousseau, M., Siebels, K., Kotchi, S-O., Ogden, N.O., Ludwig, A. (2023) Modelling the ecological niche and spatiotemporal positive clusters of two West Nile virus vectors in Ontario, Canada. Ecohealth (In Press).

Matowo, N., Kulkarni, M.A., Messenger, L.A., Jumanne, M., Martin, J., Mallya, E., Lukole, L., Mosha, J.F., Moshi, O., Shirima, B., Kaaya, R., Rowland, M., Manjurano, A., Mosha, F.W., Protopopoff, N. (2023) Differential impact of dual-active ingredient long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) on primary malaria vectors: results of secondary analysis of a three-year cluster-randomized controlled trial in rural Tanzania. Lancet Planetary Health 7(5): E370-E380.

Logan, J., Hoi, A.G., Sawada, M., Knudby, A., Ramsay, T., Blanford, J., Ogden, N.H., Kulkarni, M.A. (2023) Risk factors for Lyme disease resulting from residential exposure amidst emerging Ixodes scapularis populations: a neighbourhood-level analysis of Ottawa, Ontario. PLOS ONE (In Press).

Mosha, J.F.*, Kulkarni, M.A.*, Lukole, E., Matowo, N., Messenger, L., Pitt, C., Taljaard, M., Martin, J., Thickstun, C., Manjurano, A., Kleinschmidt, I., Mosha, F.W., Rowland, M., Protopopoff, N. (2022) Effectiveness of three types of dual active ingredient treated nets compared to pyrethroid-only long-lasting insecticidal nets to prevent malaria transmitted by pyrethroid insecticide-resistant vector mosquitoes in Tanzania: A four parallel-arm, single-blind, cluster-randomized trial. The Lancet 399: 1227–41 (*joint first authors).


600 Peter Morand Crescent

Ottawa, ON K1H 8M5

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